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Ben Doggett

How to Personalise Email Marketing Campaigns
Personalisation at a very basic level isn’t enough to have an effect on both your customers, or your business. The expectations of customers have increased significantly when it comes to how they are
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Effective Customer Engagement Strategies
Building a loyal customer base isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s something that takes time, effort, and resources. A lot of which is spent on laying down foundations for your customer
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How Do You Measure Customer Engagement?
Customer engagement can be difficult to measure without the proper tools, resources, or know-how. Customer data platforms have been a massive help for businesses, but they are not the be all and end
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How to Create a Personalised eCommerce Experience
Ninety percent of retailers use personalisation in one way shape or form. But using it at a basic level is not enough for it to have an effect on either your customers or your business. The ones who
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Why is eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimisation so Important?
Online competition for eCommerce businesses is fierce. The amount of choice customers have makes it difficult to get them through your virtual doors. But just because they are through your doors
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Personalised Onsite Push Notifications for eCommerce
Putting together the perfect message for your customer communications can often be a bit challenging. But in reality, it just comes down to a few things done well. The same goes for notifications,
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