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Gerard Adlum

SMS marketing: 5 Tips for Better Results!
When weighing up the value of investing resources in SMS marketing campaigns, one figure stands out. A 98% open rate. The stat speaks for itself, but let’s put it in context; it’s almost 5 times
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In-app messages for mobile marketers
What is in-app messaging? In-app messages are delivered to the customer while they are using the app. This means you are connecting with your audience at the perfect time; when they have already
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One to one marketing: What is it and how can you start doing it right now?
One to one marketing defined One to one marketing is the tailoring of customer communications based on the recipient’s individual preferences and behavioural history. It’s also referred to as
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How an app inbox can enhance your mobile marketing campaigns
What is the app inbox? An app inbox is exactly what it sounds like; an inbox (similar to email) that lives within your mobile app! Essentially, it gives you the ability to send persistent messages to
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Learn how to send the perfect web push for eCommerce brands
What are we trying to achieve with our web push campaign? When thinking up new use cases and campaigns, the primary question to answer is; what business goal does this web push help us achieve? Or,
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Dynamic content explained for marketers (2019)
What is dynamic content? Dynamic content is information that can change! It’s a line of code written into a webpage or digital marketing message that automatically varies the copy or image displayed
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