Una Lawlor

In-App Messaging 101: How to Drive Consistent Mobile Engagement
In today’s increasingly complex mobile marketing landscape, it is an ongoing challenge to continually build customer engagement and minimise the risk of churn. Marketers have numerous mobile
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5 Key Ingredients to Email Marketing Success in the Mobile Era
Email marketing is one of the most powerful communication channels to reach out and engage customers across multiple devices. It’s a great medium to boost brand awareness and deliver rich targeted
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How Beacons will revolutionise the Shopping Mall Experience
Location-based targeting is a major new opportunity for shopping malls to improve shopper engagement and to drive both direct and ancillary revenue through the mobile channel. Engaging with shoppers
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5 Reasons why the App Inbox is the Perfect companion to Push Messaging
Push notifications are a great way of interacting with your most valuable app users and driving them back into the app to complete key actions. But their reach is ultimately limited to users who have
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Chatbots – What they mean for Mobile Marketers
Chatbots are the next frontier in contemporary digital experience and mobile customer engagement. Powered by artificial intelligence, app-like chatbot software essentially automates everyday customer
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Importance of Proximity Retargeting for Location Based Marketing
Proximity marketing is a great way to interact with and engage your offline customers with relevant, targeted offers and service messaging, whether your business happens to be a brick-and-mortar
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