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Enterprise Mobile Marketing Automation you can bank on

If you think Mobile Marketing Automation is the preserve of game developers and startup Apps – you would be wrong. Major enterprises, from leading media organisations to financial institutions, are leading the charge in this space — and winning key market-share in their verticals. When it comes to mobile marketing automation, enterprises are faced with a unique problem — most solutions do not have the feature-set to tackle enterprise-grade demands.

At xtremepush, we have an enterprise-grade service for all organisations, including banks and government bodies. We provide peace of mind, with the required level of security for every stage of an app development process that includes our solution. We take a look at how our mobile marketing automation solution can be incorporated into your existing enterprise workflow process.


App Development Process in brief

For larger scale organisations, the app development process typically consists of multiple separate app builds such as: Development, Staging, Pilot and Production. Initially, developers will work on the changes in scope for the release and do some development builds as they go to check their work. When they believe their work is done, a staging build will go to system testers who perform regression testing. This process will iterate until all tests have been satisfied. When system testers are happy, the app is built for pilot, where it will be tested by a wider group of users. Widening the test user base can surface other unexpected issues and allows feedback from regular users who may report UX issues. When pilot has run its course there will be a final Production build that goes to the app store. The exact process will depend on the organisation but there will be a requirement for multiple distinct builds.

Xtremepush’s powerful mobile marketing automation technology will fit seamlessly and securely into your App development lifecycle for future updates. Put simply this means giving you the tools to allow regression testers to test sending out messages, and business users to run campaigns in pilot without fear of live users getting erroneous messages.


Enterprise User Access

With Enterprise User Access, each employee involved in the app development workflow will have appropriate access levels based on least privilege. Developers will only be able to access the Development Build and Testers the staging Build. Development and test teams need never have access to versions with live customers. The Pilot build will only be accessible to the appropriate members of the business team. A select few will have access to the Production Build for creating campaigns that go live to end users. Further controls can be put on campaign creation using roles.


Campaign Creation – Two-Step Approval Process

If your organisation has a peer review process for content, that must be honoured in your mobile marketing campaigns – xtremepush’s user roles have you covered. With roles for peer review, no one person will be able to send out a campaign. A campaign creator will draft the intended message and a content approver will approve and send out the message. The creator cannot send out the message and the approver cannot create or edit the message. Administrators can manage users but will not be able to create campaigns.


Additional Fail Safes – Revoking Notification Credentials (iOS & Android)

It is typical for Enterprise organisations to keep Android and iOS developer accounts in-house. A credential generated in these accounts is needed to enable push notifications for each app build, in the case of iOS, this is a certificate and for Android, it’s an API key. This serves as a further safe-guard against unwanted notifications to end users. These credentials can be revoked by you at any time cutting off push notification capabilities. We will never have access to this and neither will your developers.


Dedicated Private Cloud – Complete Segregation

Moreover, for large enterprises with serious security concerns, such as financial institutions, we also offer a complete segregation of service – a dedicated private cloud installation. We can even allow you to have your Development and Staging builds on one environment and Pilot and Production on a completely separate environment.

At Xtremepush, we will provide your business with a powerful enterprise-focused mobile marketing automation solution. If you would like to find out how we can help your organisation succeed, please contact us directly.


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