
June 2021 | Platform Update | Copy segments, Resume Window, split actions | Xtremepush

Written by Ben Doggett | Jun 9, 2021 10:41:19 AM

Our most recent update of the Xtremepush platform is now live, providing new functionality across two of the most important features; audience segmentation and the Journey Builder.

Copy segments

It is now possible to create copies of existing segments from within the Audiences section of your project. From the Data>Audiences>Segments tab of your project, you simply need to click on the further options icon to make a copy of your chosen segment.

This will allow you to create variations of existing segments without building them from scratch each time.

Split Actions

We have introduced the ability to orchestrate Split Actions within the Journey Builder. This means that you can test multiple variations of a message within the same multi-stage campaign, as well as experiment with different delays and even compare the efficacy of different channels.

When selecting a next-action point you now have the option to choose either a Decision or a Split, under Branches. Up to five different Splits can be created and they do not need to be the same type of action. The Journey Builder will then randomly send contacts down one of these possible Splits.

Note: As the funnel is random, there is no guarantee that each Split will receive the exact same volume of contacts. However, they will be largely similar provided the overall volume of contacts in the workflow is sufficient.

Allowed Resume Window in Journey Builder

When setting Delays within a workflow, you now have greater control over when the next action occurs (e.g. message is sent). The new Allowed Resume Window allows you to restrict delivery outside of working hours, for example overnight or any period where you would prefer not to engage with your customers.

In the workflow above, a delay of 24 hours is set before sending a welcome email. An Allowed Resume Window of 9am to 5pm has also been set. 

This means that if the customer triggers the workflow at 4am, for example, they will not receive the welcome email 24 hours later. Instead, the workflow will wait until 9am to send it, which in this case would be 29 hours later.

Read our documentation on this feature here.

Wrapping up

A comprehensive list of everything included in this release can be found here, and you can read our blog post which covers the major changes in more detail. 

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on this release. Please feel free to get in touch with your account manager to let them know if these improvements are beneficial to you and what you’d like to see in future releases.

–  The Xtremepush team