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Mastering Marketing Channel Orchestration: The Key to Omnichannel Success

When it comes to making your customer data actionable, things can sometimes become more complicated than they first seem.

Companies still have their data stored in silos, making customer understanding and communications much more difficult to carry out.

Streamlining your processes and the journey for your customers is made easier with a marketing orchestration software.

What is marketing orchestration?

Marketing orchestration involves data from various platforms to enhance the customer experience. It maximizes the power of existing tools by integrating them with customer data. It enables a more connected customer experience, ensuring that each touchpoint contributes to a more impactful journey.

Benefits of marketing channel orchestration

There are various marketing tools and softwares out there that can help on a day to day basis. However the strategic coordination and integration of various channels is what will really keep the wheel spinning in the long run and, in turn, increase sales.

But there’s plenty of other benefits that come from channel orchestration than just an increase in sales.

#1 Enhanced Customer Experience

Your customer experience should always be top priority, especially when it comes to your marketing orchestration strategy.

One major aspect of creating a customer journey that people expect is by keeping the experience dealing with you as consistent as possible. This means that they get the best out of your business regardless of the different channels they use to interact with you.

Customer interactions, satisfaction, loyalty, and even advocacy can increase when they get a cohesive experience that is personalized to their taste.

#2 Improved Conversion Rates

From a business performance perspective, your conversion rates are a good indicator of how much your customers are interacting with your content and how seamless their experience is with your company.

If they are low then your content might not be relevant to them, you might not be providing a personalized experience for them, or you might not be fully understanding their preferred channels.

Channel orchestration allows you to optimize the customer journey and fully streamline the path to conversion. This can help turn potential customers into fully fledged buyers.

It’s important to make steps towards understanding the most important touch points and messages that resonate at every step of the decision making process. This can often result in higher conversion rates and improved ROI too.

#3 Increased Reach and Engagement

Ensuring your customers are engaged with your messages should be a high priority for companies. If the reach and engagement level from your marketing campaigns are low then there is a problem that needs to be rectified.

Orchestrating multiple channels enables you to reach a broader audience and engage with your customers through their preferred channels.

Diversifying your marketing mix and ensuring personalized, consistent messaging makes targeting segments and capturing their attention more effective. This can also lead to an increase in brand awareness, customer acquisition, retention, and engagement.

#4 Insights Driven by Data

Almost every decision you make in business should be backed by the data available to you. The same goes for setting up marketing campaigns and putting a structure around your account based marketing efforts.

Orchestrating your marketing channels involves collecting and analysing data from various channels and data sources. This data will allow you to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions.

Integrating data from multiple different touch points allows you to develop a holistic view of your customers. Identifying patterns in behavior, understanding their journey, and making decisions based on data becomes a more straight forward task for marketers as their marketing strategies become fully optimized.

#5 Agility and Adaptability

The current marketing landscape is an incredibly fast paced and and dynamic one. Marketing orchestration allows teams to be more agile and adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

By leveraging multiple channels you can experiment with different approaches to your cross channel interactions. Measuring results in real time and the ability to make timely adjustments to your marketing campaigns become more achievable for your marketing and sales team.

This type of flexibility enables you to stay ahead of your competitors and respond effectively to the evolving needs and preferences of your customers.

How to prepare your marketing team for successful marketing campaign orchestration?

Set Objectives

Any strategy should begin with a conversation about what a business wants to get out of it and what success looks like from it. Understanding your goals and objectives as a team will make setting up campaigns more straightforward.

For example, putting together a strategy to increase your level of retained players in the Sports betting and iGaming industry should begin with looking at your churn rate and establishing where you want it to be.

Once you have your SMART goals established, setting up VIP programmes and other retention based marketing activities should be easier to put together.

Use Your Customer Data

Building strong campaigns that are relevant to your audience begins with good quality data. Where you collect it from, what you collect, and how you collect it will all have an effect on the quality of that data.

It should go without saying, but the more data you collect the better. One of the best ways to gather data is to go directly to your customer and ask for it in the form of zero and first party data. As long as there is a fair exchange in value, customers are generally happy to give their information.

Once a business has that data, it’s important they take the steps to use it properly. By using marketing automation softwares, CDPs, and other tools, it becomes a more straightforward task to put that data into action.

If they haven’t already, businesses should consider breaking down their data silos and have all their data stored in one place.

Leverage Channel Selection and Optimization

Identify the most relevant marketing channels for your segments to reach and engage with your customers effectively.

Ensure that you consider the preferences and behaviors of your audience, then select the channels that align with your campaign objectives.

It’s important that you monitor your channel performances and make changes as you see fit. Optimize your messaging and make tweaks based on the insights you uncover.

Personalize Your Messages

A personalized experience isn’t a luxury anymore. It is an expectation that all customers have when it comes to dealing with a business. Providing an individualized customer experience is a must have.

Personalization is much more than just using your customer’s name in a push notification. It’s about understanding how your customers are interacting with your brand, what channels they are using, and where they are spending their money.

For example, if you’re a sportsbook and you have a segment of players that follow Liverpool football club and bet exclusively on their games, it would display a complete lack of understanding if you started to send them offers and updates on Arsenal football matches.

The more data you use, the deeper your personalization capabilities become. Your customers will notice when you are working hard to communicate with them on their terms.

Test and Learn

Embrace the concept of continuous experimentation with your campaigns. For some businesses, marketing orchestration may be a relatively new concept. So it’s important to continue to learn as you go.


A marketing orchestration software will help businesses to streamline their customer journey and make it more consistent. Check out what Xtremepush can do for your marketing orchestration.

Click to download our guide to increasing eCommerce conversions and retention.

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