
Mobile Push Notifications: The Game-Changer in Digital Marketing

Written by Ben Doggett | Aug 26, 2023 12:01:57 PM

Mobile push notifications may revolutionize your marketing campaigns. But only when run well so that they are personalized, actionable, and relevant. Sounds challenging? The good news here – it’s not that complicated to create powerful messages like these. Only three steps set you apart from effective mobile push notification advertising.

Are you up for digging deeper on how to connect with your audience? Off we go!

What are mobile push notifications?

Mobile app push notifications are messages that pop up on your phone from apps. The apps send them to inform you about important updates or notifications even when you’re not using the app. Users see them on their lock screen or in the app’s icon. They can also tap on the notification to open the app or do other actions.

What do mobile push notifications look like?

Typically, it is a pop-up with a grabbing topic and concise info about the newest updates or a few words of encouragement for taking action, like “Click to get more info” or “Don’t miss the sale.”

Mobile push notifications vs. web push notifications

Although these are both messages that appear on the screen, the mobile one pops out on the phone’s screen, and a web push notification shows up on the desktop’s screen whenever your browser is open.

They’ve got the same goal, though – to get users’ attention and encourage them to click and open the app.

Why are mobile push notifications game-changers? Benefits

Mobile notifications make you connect with the audience all the time. Most people have their mobiles always in their pockets or bags. So you can send them an instant message at the right time, always. 

But this is not the only reason why they’re called game changers. It is because they also provide:

#1 Real-time engagement

Well-designed mobile push notification campaigns drive user engagement in a variety of ways: they check on the offers you send, accept pending requests, or complete purchases when they see the push messages.

#2 Better user retention

As long as a person keeps getting valuable information and messages they enjoy (like perfectly tailored offers), there are smaller chances they will stop using your app and services. Thus, user retention is boosted.

#3 Direct communication opportunities

What types of notifications are more direct than mobile push messages? You can send your audience a message that flies straight in front of their eyes. That’s an excellent chance for you to give them opportunities they can’t miss, like time-limited offers.

#4 Promotions and targeted offers

Some push notification providers enable you to segment your audience. It means you can have the app users grouped according to their online behavior and preferences. How great is that? 

But before committing to the notification system, double-check that they provide segmentation.

Psst! Xtremepush does.

#5 Mobile users’ insights

What would you say about knowing who taps the notifications, the users’ online habits, and other insights about your audience? 

That is a mine of gold for marketers. 

It is because, based on this info, they can create laser-like precise messages that appeal to the recipients. So it’s more likely the content makes the mobile users engage with the app! It’s the outcome you’re hoping for, right?

#6 Enhanced user experience

When getting personalized content, the recipients might get amazing deals, save a lot of money, and positively associate with your brand. And that’s the recipe for better user experience and increased conversions.

#7 Brand visibility

Whenever a user gets notified, they see your logo or brand’s name. Including such messages in your marketing plan may make your brand recognition and visibility stronger. 

Recipients get familiar with your brand. And since they need to decide what product or services to use, it’s more probable that they’ll opt for something they know.

#8 Time-sensitive alters

You can send mobile push notifications at a specific time, so you make sure recipients get the info about upcoming events or breaking news or updates immediately, without delay. 

Especially if you’re a betting app provider, you probably know how important time is and how much missing the opportunity may sometimes cost. 

#9 A/B testing 

Not sure what message is more impactful? Use A/B tests and polish your messaging strategy. Monitor engagement metrics, like open rates and click-through rates, to see what works better. 

But be careful because not all push notification operating systems make running such tests possible. 

#10 Social interactions

A push notification system is also an excellent way to make the push recipients interact with other app users. Thanks to push notifications, they see friends’ messages, likes, comments, and new followers coming as soon as they appear. 

It Increases engagement in your app (because they need to open the app to respond to the messages), but it also makes people communicate more and helps social interactions.

What are the types of push notifications?

There are a few types of mobile push messages. 

01 Transactional notifications

They provide both Android and iOS users with specific information about a transaction or action they’ve taken within an app. It might be real-time updates about order confirmations, shipping details, payment receipts, or booking reservations. Transaction notifications show whether the operation is in progress or has been completed.

It brings peace of mind, especially after making a costly purchase like a new computer. Not getting the order confirmation would be alarming, right?

02 Promotional Notifications

Their goal is to inform users about special offers, discounts, or marketing campaigns from businesses or apps. And, of course, to drive conversions. Very often, marketers use persuasive language and a call-to-action to encourage users to take advantage of the promotion. 

03 Reminder notifications

These messages remind users about upcoming events, tasks, or important dates. They’re real time-savers sometimes. 

Reminder notifications help users stay organized and on top of their tasks. These little heroes can make a big difference in people’s efficiency and time management.

04 Geolocation-based notifications

When a user enters a specific place or a predefined location range, they may get notifications from nearby shops. And these are called geolocation-based notifications. 

If you run a brick-and-mortar store, you might consider involving geolocation-based mobile push notifications in your messaging strategy.

05 Abandoned cart notifications

A user adds items to their cart and leaves without buying. Then, the system sends them a reminder message with a few words of encouragement to complete the transaction. And that’s an abandoned cart notification. 

The abandoned carts rate escalated to around 70%, which is a lot. And to reduce it, businesses send reminders about their forgotten orders.

06 Social notifications

They inform users about interactions on social media platforms – a new comment, a pending friend request, or new followers. Their goal is to make a push recipient open the app and connect with the social platform.

07 Rating and review requests

After booking a dinner via Google, or using VoIP phone systems of particular companies, users often receive push notifications asking for feedback. They’re sent to make users provide opinions on products, services, or apps they’ve used. 

Businesses get reviews and suggestions from the users and improve their offerings after all.

How to choose a good push notification provider? 

You don’t want to choose a mobile push notification system. You want to pick a ROBUST one. Trust us in this matter. It’s a secret sauce to your marketing strategy.

Check out a handy checklist before committing to the system: 

✔️ evaluate features and customization options

✔️ consider delivery speed and reliability

✔️ assess integration with your app or platform

✔️ review analytics and reporting capabilities (visit Capterra or G2)

✔️ check for personalization and segmentation options

✔️ examine support and customer service quality

✔️ compare pricing plans 

✔️ ensure compliance with privacy regulations

✔️ seek user feedback and reviews

✔️ test user experience and interface

How to start sending mobile push notifications?

It’s not as complicated as it might sound, but only with the right tool in your toolkit. Follow these steps to make push notifications work. And then, observe how your conversions grow and your app engagement skyrockets.

#1 Find a push notification system you can rely on 

It would be hard to send push notifications that work without a reliable system. Also, some are equipped with solid capabilities to make your messages even more powerful. 

What are they? 

Well… we’ve got a tool that provides them all.

It’s Xtremepush. 

See what it offers:

🎯 Segmentation

You can categorize users based on specific criteria. Tailor messages, so they can enjoy the content that truly interests them.

🕒 Intelligent delivery

Send push notifications at optimal times through the most engaging channels for each user (mobile push notifications included).

📊 Analytics

You can then refine strategies according to notification performance metrics.

💌 Sending content recipients like

Personalized messaging, media-rich content, and dynamic elements enhance the user experience, making messages more relevant.

📍 Location-triggered notifications

Surprise your customers with targeted, location-based messages. Send them a message delivering irresistible promotions.

🖥️ Quick Integration & deployment 

Xtremepush is easy to integrate. You don’t need IT expertise to start taking advantage of this system.

On top of that, Xtremepush provides web notifications, AI chatbots, CRM integration, email marketing features, GDPR compliance, and more.

Looking for more information? Contact us and request a demo to see how smooth it is to send mobile push notifications.

#2 Write a short and catchy copy

No matter how good the deal is, when the copy is chaotic and does not describe the offer accurately, people may not want to click the message.

Best practices for push notification campaigns

Be concise and clear

✅ Don’t miss our sale! 50% off everything today only!

❌ Hey there, just wanted to let you know that we’ve got a pretty amazing sale going on right now, and you might want to check it out because there’s a 50% discount on all items, and it’s only valid for today, so you should definitely take advantage of it if you’re interested!

Use action-oriented language 

✅ Grab your deal now! 

❌ If you’re not too busy, maybe you could consider checking out the deal we’re offering and potentially making a purchase, but only if you want to, of course.

Personalize when possible 

✅ Hey [Name], we’ve got something special for you! 

❌ Hey there, we’ve got something special for someone out there!

Create a sense of urgency 

✅ Last chance! Sale ends in 1 hour! 

❌ Our sale will end at some point, but we’re not really sure when, so you might want to think about that.

Incorporate emojis when you see fit 

✅ New collection alert! Check it out! 🎉

❌ Hey hey! Guess what? 🎉🌟✨ We just launched a new collection and it’s pretty awesome so you should totally check it out if you feel like it! ✨🌟🎉

Use an appropriate tone and style

✅ Discover our latest arrivals!

❌ Yo, check out our brand-new stuff!

Run A/B test for effectiveness 

You can create two copies describing two different features of your product to see what drives conversions. 

Tailor to the recipient’s interests 

✅ Your favorite genre is back in stock! 

❌ We’ve got new items for everyone!

Capitalize only when necessary 

✅ Hurry up before the offer ends! 


Provide value or benefits 

✅ Upgrade to premium for unlimited access! 

❌ Get our premium plan now!

#3 Monitor performance 

Marketers should monitor mobile push notification performance to know what works and what doesn’t. With these data, such as click-through rates and conversions, marketers can adjust push notification strategies to drive more conversions. 

Mobile push notifications wrapped up

Enable push notifications to revolutionize your marketing strategy! Implement a reliable tool like Xtremepush and send notifications like a pro, reaching your target audience. 

Request a demo, and see how easy it is to engage your smartphone users.

Mobile push notification: FAQ

What is the difference between SMS and mobile push notifications?

SMS delivers text messages directly via cellular networks, while mobile push notifications are alerts sent through apps to mobiles (Android devices as well as iOS devices). SMS works without an app, needs phone numbers, and has a broader reach but can involve charges. Push notifications require app installation. They’re free but limited to both Android users and iOS ones. 

Where are push notifications on my phone?

These are short messages apps send you to keep you updated about a certain thing related to the app.

No matter if you’ve got an Android or iOS device, you might get mobile push notifications on the top of your screen. They are also available when you lock your phone, in the notification center or status bar. Swipe down from the top or check the notification icon to check them. Tapping a notification takes you to the related app or content. 

What is a push notification example?

Here are three examples of mobile push notifications:

#1 Weather App: “🌦️ Good morning! Today’s forecast: Partly cloudy with a high of 78°F. Don’t forget your umbrella just in case!”

#2 E-commerce App: “🛍️ Flash Sale Alert! Get 30% off on selected items for the next 24 hours. Shop now and save big!”

#4 Social Media App: “👋 You’ve got a new friend request from Alex! Accept now to connect and expand your network.”

What is Apple Push Notification Service?

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) is a communication platform developed by Apple for sending instant notifications to devices produced by Apple. It enables apps to send concise alerts, updates, or messages directly to users’ devices, even when the app isn’t active. However, you don’t have to use APNS to send messages to Apple users.