
How banks can deliver a better CX
It wasn’t always like this Amidst the near-constant criticism of the banking industry’s technical debt, we should remember one simple fact; this sector was once renowned for its innovation and
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Building a Customer Experience-Lead Bank
On May 13th, we hosted an outstanding panel discussion featuring some of Europe and Asia’s most innovative banking professionals. The topic was Fintech’s CX Battleground: Building a customer
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Why Conversational A.I. should be a bank’s first line of customer support
For many retail banks, and brands across the wider financial services industry, removing friction from the customer journey is a major objective. And with more customers banking online than ever
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CX in the time of Covid-19: Where banks can win or lose.
Covid-19 hasn’t changed the banking industry. Or at least, it hasn’t revealed anything we didn’t already know. What it has done is hit the fast-forward button, on everything. The migration of
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Why banks are in danger of becoming irrelevant. (And what they can do about it.)
Traditional banks are at a crossroads. The digital disruption that we’ve seen sweep across other verticals, from ride-hailing in transport to streaming in media, has finally come for the banking
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Customer-Data Warfare: How banks can create better experiences and fire back against the challengers
At a recent European Digital Banking Summit, our CTO Kevin Collins told an anecdote from his personal experience that underlines the threat to incumbent banks posed by the challengers. As he was
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