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Can Text Messages Increase Conversion Rates?
Text message marketing is a massively underutilised method of communication that meets the changing expectations of your customers. In eCommerce the ability to communicate with your customers is
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Are Loyalty Rewards worth it for eCommerce websites?
Loyalty in eCommerce is hard to come by. Because your customers are driven primarily by considerations like price and free delivery, they go where the deals are. The fickle nature of online customers
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How To Increase eCommerce Sales
In the eCommerce world, you need to convert as many customers as possible, as efficiently as possible. But sometimes businesses struggle and often wonder how to increase eCommerce sales. It’s hard to
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How To Win Back Lapsed Customers
Reducing lapsed customers isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be. Those customers stopped shopping with you for a reason. Unfortunately for you, it’s difficult to know exactly what that reason
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AI Marketing Trends To Watch Out For
Marketing has always been a fast-paced industry. Trends and innovations rapidly become commonplace. This is mainly because marketers, by nature, are early adopters. They have to be because
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Best Practices for Abandoned Cart Emails
A staggering 69% of carts are abandoned on eCommerce sites. That’s a significant amount of revenue being lost by eCommerce businesses every year. This can be mostly put down to the fact their
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