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Web Push Notifications Best Practices for eCommerce
In an ideal world, everyone who visits your eCommerce site will complete a goal or make a purchase. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. According to previous research, about 98% of users
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How To Re-Engage and Create Loyal Customers for Hotels
There’s no question that the hotel industry has been booming in recent years. And there’s no sign of that stopping anytime soon. Currently, there are over 700,000 hotels in an industry that is worth
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How to Convert Abandoned Carts into Sales
Not every customer who visits your website will place an order, it’s an inescapable truth of eCommerce. One that can feel more than a little painful when you compare your site traffic to your
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Busting the Myths of Customer Retention
Figuring out how to keep your customers is something that has been on the minds of businesses for quite some time. Creating happy customers that want to stay loyal to your brand is much more valuable
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Why Your Online Experience is More Important Than Your Price or Product
The role that your product and price play in getting your brand off the mark is huge. People are obviously going to notice the quality of your product and the price of it from the offset. It used to
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Engaging and Retaining for Subscription Based Businesses
Subscription-based businesses have been around for years, well before the internet even existed. People relied on subscriptions to get their milk and newspapers delivered to them long before the
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