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Permission Marketing and Data Control
The future of permission marketing and consent is very clear. Or at least, it is to us. Apple’s recent announcement that the next update to their iOS operating system would include a mandatory opt-in
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July 2020 Product Update: UX enhancements and client requests
The platform update for July has been released. This month we have made further improvements to the U.X./U.I. of our Single Customer View, as well as including a number of features as requested by
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How banks can deliver a better CX
It wasn’t always like this Amidst the near-constant criticism of the banking industry’s technical debt, we should remember one simple fact; this sector was once renowned for its innovation and
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Customer segments that drive results
Creating customer segments is all about dividing your audience into smaller groups based on things they have in common. Naturally, you can do this by age, location, gender and other demographic
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Zero Party Data
Marketers have been relying on third-party data to help them create personalized experiences for their customers for long years – but their time is ending. And while Google keeps postponing the date
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June 2020 Product Update: Improvements to Campaign Analytics
We’ve just released the platform update for June. This month we have focused primarily on our campaign analytics pages, improving the U.I. and U.X. in a number of intuitive and helpful ways. In
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