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On-Site Messages
What are on-site messages right now? The functionality of on-site messages has matured to the point where it’s a vital inbound engagement channel, triggered by any number of potential real-time
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Identity Resolution
What is Identity Resolution? Identity resolution sits at the core of modern digital engagement, allowing organisations to create accurate, unified customer profiles that span behaviour and
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Martech 2020
RIP the Martech stack The martech stack, as we know it, is dead. The exact time of death is unknown, but it was sometime recently. The coroner’s report says it had been suffering for quite a while.
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Customer Data Management
What is Customer Data Management in 2020? Customer Data Management is a holistic framework that governs the way an organisation collects, stores, unifies, cleans and activates (or makes use of) the
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Permission Marketing and Data Control
The future of permission marketing and consent is very clear. Or at least, it is to us. Apple’s recent announcement that the next update to their iOS operating system would include a mandatory opt-in
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July 2020 Product Update: UX enhancements and client requests
The platform update for July has been released. This month we have made further improvements to the U.X./U.I. of our Single Customer View, as well as including a number of features as requested by
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