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Customer-Data Warfare: How banks can create better experiences and fire back against the challengers
At a recent European Digital Banking Summit, our CTO Kevin Collins told an anecdote from his personal experience that underlines the threat to incumbent banks posed by the challengers. As he was
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Why Facebook Messenger is your next best engagement channel…
Ever since the emergence of social media, brands have been quick to utilise these platforms to promote their products and services. Social Media platforms have mostly obliged by providing brands with
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Using Marketing Analytics To Improve Your Marketing Campaigns
Marketing Analytics are often spoken about and will rarely be completely ignored by marketers. How aware are you of your own analytics and are they, in fact, holding your marketing campaigns
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Getting ahead with Multichannel Marketing
Not getting the right results from current marketing channels, not sure on the right approach? How often do marketers stop and think about their campaigns? I mean really stop and have a full review.
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Web Push Marketing – Building for Success
It all started with Apple in 2009, creating Push Notifications to enable App developers a way to re-engage with their users. Apple then rolled out Push Notification support within Safari in 2013,
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Ecommerce – Customer Engagement through In-App Messaging
Ecommerce brands have a challenge in gaining customers let alone retaining and engaging them. Growing an engaged audience will provide greater opportunities for transactions to take place, as well as
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