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Apple iOS 11: The Key Changes
Apple held their first special event in the Steve Jobs Theatre at Apple Park on the 12th September. Every year there is great anticipation in the build-up to the Apple event, with speculation on what
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GDPR and its Importance for The Travel Industry
In recent years, there have been extraordinary changes in the purchase of travel and transport services, from consumer habits to the channels utilised. This has led to the role of traditional travel
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A Data-Driven Approach to Marketing
John Best, founder of Best Innovation Group (BIG), is a recognised thought leader and visionary of technology advancements and financial application development within the financial services
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GDPR – The Practicalities of a New Reality
There are now about 380 days until GDPR is ‘the new reality’ and becomes law across the EU Member States. Companies are carefully reviewing the legislation, working to understand what GDPR will mean
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Survive and Thrive in the new GDPR environment
There is much talk right now across many industry verticals from Financial Services and Fintech to Transport and Retail about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Many articles reference the
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Web Push: Increase engagement by 20%
Xtremepush launched Web Push over a year ago which at the time was a very new channel. Since then the technology has matured and become a popular channel, particularly with verticals like online
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