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8 Ways Beacons will transform Retail Branch Banking
iBeacon in Banking is getting hot. We’ve listed some potential use cases that financial service firms are showing real interest in. 1. Welcome Communication: As customers pass or enter a branch, the
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Engagement through in-app push notifications is a key driver of app retention
In today’s mobile-centric world there is an app for almost if not everything. With 1.2 million applications in Apple Inc.’s App Store and more than 1 million Android apps on Google Play, we’ve become
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Abandoned carts and push notifications
Cart abandonment is a major challenge faced by online retailers. The availability of alternative merchandise to the consumer and the fact that your customers can shop 24/7, a lot of the time, mobile
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Why a Mobile Marketing Strategy is essential this Christmas
The days of shopping for Christmas presents on the desktop computer are disappearing and there has been a surge in mobile activity during the Christmas season. In December 2013 Mobile traffic
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Our Recent Presentation about iBeacon Tech at an Apple event
XtremePush‘s CEO Tommy Kearns was recently asked to present at an Apple sponsored event in the headquarters of Apple re-seller Exertis Plc about how iBeacon will affect workforce mobility and their
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5 Industries iBeacon has taken off in
iBeacon is an indoor proximity system that allows your mobile device to understand its position even indoors. iBeacon enables an app to trigger push notifications when in close proximity to an
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