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5 Tips to Optimise your new Twitter layout
Visual content is dominating the social media revolution and if you are not prepared for the visual content revolution, you may be left in the dust. Facebook has turned its walls into timelines.
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iBeacon and Mobile Engagement in the Home
iBeacons have a broad range of potential use and part of that is consumer-focused. With the iBeacon it’s all about the applications and how mobile engagement can be increased through interactions
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10 Mobile App Stats that will Blow your Mind
OMG Delete All My Apps? I’d sooner give up my morning coffee. 85 % of smartphone users would rather “give up drinking water” than delete their mobile apps. Whilst many of those surveyed have said
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Why Retailers Need to Jump on the iBeacon Bandwagon
You won’t find an iBeacon in an egg but you will certainly find it in a giant Easter egg…if you’re in New York City that is, further explanation provided later on. So what exactly is iBeacon? iBeacon
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Capturing the Customer in the Moment: from Customer Hijacking to iBeacon Hunting
Owning the moment is key to the success of mobile apps going forward. These everyday moments are meaningful actions that carry powerful emotion and a sense of accomplishment. Consumers are naturally
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Brands effectively using Push Notifications
Following on from our previous blog post on popular brands getting on the Snapchat brandwagon including Tacobell, 16 Handles and McDonalds we’ve looked more at how brands effectively use push
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