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Real-Time Engagement: The Future of Customer Interaction
You can attract and make your audience stay with your brand if you put some effort into your marketing strategy. And “some effort” could be real-time engagement. Even though the real-time approach
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Decoding The Single Customer View
Having a single customer view is something that is highly sought after for a lot of businesses. Having a deep understanding of customer data will help businesses drive stronger marketing messages.
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Single Page vs Multi-Page Applications
Single-page applications are slowly but steadily growing in popularity. They are much faster than traditional multi-page applications, easier to use, and so they can give an exceptional user
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The CCCM Marketing Approach: All You Need To Know
Marketing often feels like a dance, right? It’s all about making the right moves to catch people’s attention. That’s where cross channel campaign management – along with CCCM marketing – comes in.
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Navigating the Stages: A Comprehensive Guide to Lifecycle Marketing
Lifecycle marketing is about delivering personalized communication, nailing the timing, and taking care of your audience before and after conversion. Sounds idyllic, but we know some tricks to make
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Why is Brand Loyalty Important?
The importance of keeping customers in today’s competitive market cannot be overstated. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by building brand loyalty. But what exactly is brand loyalty,
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