Understanding CDXP For Enhancing Customer Engagement


No matter what industry you work in, you want your customers to feel they are someone special to you. And what’s a better way to do this than by sending them tailor-fit recommendations and offers? For this though, you need to know first what each customer likes, what they want, and how to keep them coming back for more. 

Good news – there’s a tool called customer data & experience platform (CDXP in short) that can tell you exactly this and let you create a hyper-personalized experience for each customer. In this blog post, we’ll explore how CDXP works and what it can do to make your business better and your customers even happier. 

What is CDXP – a Customer Data & Experience Platform?

A customer data & experience platform is an integrated platform that gathers and stores customer data from various touchpoints to give brands all the data they might need for their marketing efforts. From demographic data to purchases, online interactions, and customer preferences, everything can be in one centralized database. 

However, storing data is just one of the tasks of the CDXP. The solution can also take all that rich customer data and use it to:

  • Build detailed customer personas
  • Segment the database into customer groups
  • Turn the data into plenty of actionable insights
  • Help to plan and optimize the user journey

Thanks to those features, brands can use the wealth of zero and first-party data they have stored to its full potential and understand their customers much better. That in turn helps marketers create more personalized experiences for them – all to make the users more satisfied with their brand experience.

How does the Customer Data and Experience Platform (CDXP) differ from the Customer Data Platform (CDP)?

All of this sounds like something a regular CDP solution can do as well, doesn’t it. That’s because CDXP is a next generation version of the CDP. It can handle all of the tasks the regular solution can do but also has a few tools for shaping and elevating customer engagement. 

A customer data platform’s main goal is to give you a single, centralized platform storing the user data coming from multiple sources and then let you analyze and segment the data as you need it. Customer experience platforms meanwhile also allow you to use the data for automatically crafting personalized content for your users, for example with an article writing tool, and delivering it to them.

What’s more, CDXP solutions also have multichannel capabilities – meaning you can use those to run campaigns across as many marketing channels as you need (web, mobile, social media, email, etc.). That way, you can not only design tailored campaigns but also deliver them to your customers through all the channels to ensure they have a consistent experience on all of them.

What can you gain from using CDXP in your company?

Gitnux’s blog found that about 67% of marketers already use customer data platforms to merge data from multiple sources. With how much data customers generate every day, gathering and managing it manually would simply be an impossible task to do – not to mention analyzing it for insights. CDPs meanwhile can easily collect, combine and update user data 24/7 and then, through advanced analytics, turn the vast amounts of information into invaluable insights for businesses.

CDXP solutions hold even more potential though. Here’s what you can gain by implementing those.

Better business decisions

In business, knowledge is power – and for knowledge, you need plenty of data. CDXP makes it easier for you to take advantage of the wealth of user data you have stored and use it to fine-tune your campaigns. You are no longer making guesses about what might work – instead, you have detailed insights that show you who exactly your clients are, what they like, what works for your brand and what doesn’t, and even what causes customers to churn if and when they do so.

This can help you to both craft messages and offers that resonate with your audience but also figure out when and how you should send those messages for the best results. 

Saved time

Gathering, comparing, and analyzing customer data yourself can take quite a lot of your time – and you might still need to do a lot of guesswork there. Why not leave the heavy lifting to marketing automation tools and platforms? With CDXP, you don’t have to spend time figuring out your next step – the platform will give you clear directions based on the hard data inside the database. 

That should already save plenty of your time – and free you and your staff from the frustrating task of trying to make sense out of enormous amounts of data. 

Easier time creating omni channel marketing campaigns

In one survey, two-thirds of consumers said they wouldn’t buy anything from a brand without an omnichannel strategy. No matter the device, channel, or platform they are using, they expect that a brand will provide a seamless and consistent customer experience at all times.


With several data silos and disjoined marketing channels, offering them this kind of exceptional experience isn’t the easiest thing to do. Here’s where CDXPs come in. The solution allows you to consolidate all of your marketing and sales channels into one platform and then ensure you are sending the right content to the right users at the ideal time. That way, no matter what channel your customers will be using or how many times they will jump between those, they will get the same, exceptional experience on each of them.

And looking at how marketers using three or more channels can have a 287% higher purchase rate than those using a single-channel campaign, turning to omnichannel is definitely worth the effort.

Happier customers

Understanding your customers is the key to keeping them satisfied and loyal. And with CDXP, you aren’t just making random guesses about their preferences or expectations. Instead, you’re using detailed data, updated in real-time, to know exactly what they like, dislike, and want from you at the moment. This means you can tailor their shopping experience to show them products or services they’ll genuinely want to have or use. 

The result? Customers feel valued and understood, making them more likely to use your products and services more often – but also spread a few good words about your brand, bringing in even more customers.

Growing revenue

McKinsey found that using personalization wisely can give you, on average, a 10% to 15% increase in revenue. That’s because by tailoring the experience to customer preferences, you’re boosting the chances that they will like the offers you send them and buy the product or service you recommend. Moreover, CDXP can also help you enhance your upselling or cross-selling strategies by highlighting the best offers for each consumer. 

And when consumers see you know them well enough to recommend to them exactly the product or services they are looking for at the moment, their customer loyalty is boosted, and they won’t even look for another brand to shop with.

Standing out

With how many businesses are vying for the consumer’s attention, getting yourself seen might be quite a challenge. With the help of a CDXP solution, you can overcome this challenge successfully though. CDXP isn’t just a tool – it’s a way to offer a unique, personalized experience to every customer, no matter how different they might be. Instead of treating everyone the same, you’re showing that you pay attention to each consumer’s preferences and are ready to go the extra mile just to make them happy. 

This personal touch can be what makes the difference between a one-time shopper and a loyal customer. 

Xtremepush artificial intelligence-powered CDXP can give you all those benefits and far more. Do you want to design personalized emails or push notifications that your users will be happy to get or drive traffic to your physical stores with location-based promotions? Or maybe you are looking for a tool that will pinpoint the perfect time to send your messages? 

Xtremepush is what you need for the task – schedule a meeting for a demo to make the first step towards hyper-personalized campaigns that your users will be looking forward to. 


Engaging with customers isn’t just about making a sale. Instead, it’s about building lasting relationships with your customers and making your brand their “go-to” choice. And the CDXP is exactly the tool that can help you build those relationships with them by telling you what exactly you should do to make each customer return to your brand with a smile on their face. 

In a world where customers value experiences as much as products (or sometimes even more), a customer experience platform like Xtremepush might just turn out to be your most valuable asset – right next to the data you hold.


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